Follow your bliss?

Who hasn’t heard that you should “follow your bliss” or “do something you love and you’ll never work another day in your life?” As nice as these sentiments sound, I think they are terrible advice.

The vast majority of jobs out there are not anyone’s dream job, so does that mean that only a small percentage of people get to be happy going to work, and everyone else spends their career being miserable? That sounds like a terrible deal to me.

How about, instead of finding your dream job, you find the bliss in the job that you have. No matter what you do for work, you can find the positives in it. And if there really aren’t positives, then definitely do something else.

Window cleaning isn’t a dream job, but I get to use it as a platform to make the world a better place by trying to have a positive impact on everyone we come into contact with. And that turns it into a dream job, because who doesn’t feel good at the end of the day about making the world a better place?

If you can find your dream job, count your blessings among the lucky few. For everyone else, find the part of your job that makes you happy and enjoy that.

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