About Childhood Stories

When we moved into the Lincoln Street apartment, and the two of you shared a bedroom for the first time, you started asking me for stories about my childhood when I was putting you to bed.  This was really hard for me at first, because almost all of my memories of my childhood were negative.  I could very easily rattle off stories about my dad yelling, or me not being allowed to do things with friends, or my mom being sad and scared all the time.  But I really had to work to think of stories that you would actually want to hear at bedtime.

This turned out to be healthy for me, because as I thought about it more, I was able to come up with happy, funny stories to share with you.  It’s true, most of them are about our pets, but in my family there wasn’t much fun, so there aren’t many funny stories to share.  But pets are always good for funny stories.

So, I figured as long as I’m writing down advice for you, I’ll share the childhood stories too, so you can always have them.

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