Lattes for retirement

Human beings are really good at satisfying our short term needs and desires, and really terrible at planning for the long term. Most people have no money saved, and most of them believe that they don’t make enough money to put any away in savings.

But most people stop every day, or almost every day, at the coffee shop, or gas station, or fast food place, and spend a few dollars. That latte is delicious, and it makes you feel so good right now. It’s also $5. At 5 lattes each week, for a year, that’s $1300. In a decade, without any interest you’ll have $13,000. Put that money in an index fund and you’ll have over $15,000. Kinda looks like a down payment for your first house, doesn’t it?

Imagine that you start saving that $25 per week now, and you add to it when you start making a little more money. Check out this Savings Calculator, and see how the money adds up over time.

Do yourself a favor. Go to the bank today. I really mean today. Not next week; not next month. Don’t go to your regular bank; choose a different one. Open a savings account. Your work can direct deposit a set amount from every check into that account. Don’t get a debit card, or anything else that will make it easy for you to access the money.

Make a commitment to yourself to save some money every week. Even if it’s $25. Set a long-term goal for how much money you want to have saved, and by what age. Maybe you want a down payment on a house by the time you’re 30.

Do the math, and start the plan now. You won’t remember the latte anyway.

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